Unique Approach — GOALS Youth River Expeditions

An unrivaled experience.

The GOALS approach to adolescent empowerment is incomparable.


GOALS expeditions are built upon a framework for personal growth that has been designed, tested, and proven to generate confidence, camaraderie, and connections.

Although we modify the experience based on the age we’re serving and the specific canyons we’re exploring, every GOALS expedition is focused on a common objective - leading kids toward a more passion-forward, globally connected, and self-guided future.

Four qualities of GOALS expeditions set us apart from any other outdoor youth empowerment programs - where they occur, who leads them, what we’re not willing to budge on, and how a GOALS expedition is delivered.

Anthony Sharma

Wild river canyons provide incomparable settings for growth. There is no turning back, no chance to sit out the portions that might stretch us.

Together yet tested individually, GOALS kids find the confidence needed to navigate rapids or sleep under the stars - then to share reflections about the experience with their team. This unpredictable, awe-inspiring natural landscape empowers a courageous transformation that is undeniably GOALS.

Margaret Rhee

GOALS programs can only be as great as the people leading them. Therefore, the guides who make up our GOALS program leader family are absolutely the best of the best.

These are mentors you want your kids to look up to; the ones you wish you taken to leap to become 20 years ago, or hope to grow into 20 years from now. These are people who turn ideas, passion, and experience into impact. We are blessed to work alongside them, and hope to “be more like them when we grow up.”

Diana Riccardo

Leave your phones behind - they’re a hindrance to authentic connection. Leave your watch as well - “river time” is based on daylight, hunger, and miles to our next camp.

By removing them from the confines of technology and the stressors of an over-scheduled life, GOALS kids tap into an entirely different part of their brains; one that encourages awareness, wonder, and creativity and at levels they aren’t used to. Turns out it’s a place they like to be.

Catherine Williams

Calling it a “curriculum” feels too academic. Calling it a “journal” isn’t exciting enough. Calling it “the greatest souvenir ever that can be re-visited later to understand just where you in your personal growth process” is close - but doesn’t roll off the tongue.

The GOALS guide contains individual and group lessons, maps and information about each canyon, and inspiring readings that are introduced around meal circles and campfires, but resonate in young minds long beyond the take-out.